Monday, April 15, 2013

Layer by Layer

Try and guess how many layers are used in my favicon here.

Just to demonstrate the basic processes that go into creating these logos, I'll start off with something relatively simple. Much like in other artistic programs, the fundamental tenet behind any composite image is the skillful use of layers. I shall use my blog's favicon, which has the letters "U" and "C" interlocked with each other, to show how layers are used in Aegisub.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bit by Bit

"|+++++++\" is the fundamental text required to make the banner's papery texture.
This code-based logo is inspired from the anime Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream.

It's quite interesting to see just how far down the rabbit hole a person can go with their hobby. As someone who was originally just a simple manga and anime fan, I never would have imagined that my interests would lead me to do something like this.